Please help!

Thousands of students from the lower socioeconomic strata are unable to get a quality education due to financial hurdles. Academically well-achieving students whose studies get interrupted due to inability to pay tuition. HSK actively seeks out sponsors who will support the student financially allowing him/her to complete their degree. Girl students are given priority. Numerous students were left behind due to the COVID-19 pandemic since their parents were unable to afford the technology essential for distance learning. We have helped more than 300 poor students with laptops, smartphones and TV monitors , thereby allowing them to keep pace with school work. Your donations will go a long way in helping several such needy students.

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"Despite progress in education, there are still substantial sections of the Hindu society that lack access to quality education and suffer from educational deprivation. The Vidyadeepti yojana strives to address this educational gap by providing essential resources and support to our underprivileged brothers and sisters, enabling them to receive a proper education."

How Can You Help?

- You can Donate to this cause by clicking the link above
- You can share project on Facebook and WhatsApp so that their story reaches more people like you who will act to make a difference
- You can volunteer to raise funds and help educate youngsters.

"Education is one thing no one can take away from you.” —Elin Nordegren

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