Hindu Seva Kendram extended its support to Karthika, daughter of Late Karthikeyan, lives in Thymaravumkara in Kuttoor Panchayath in Thiruvalla of Pathanamthitta District by providing a Smart Phone for attending her online classes. Karthika is a 10th standard student in SNV School Thirumoolapuram. So far Hindu Seva Kendram has provided Televisions, Smartphones and Laptops as learning materials to the children of many Hindu families who are in difficulty.
Hindu Seva Kendram centers operating across Kerala at the panchayat level provides various assistance to Hindus. The Hindu Seva Kendram has developed and successfully implemented numerous schemes for deserving Hindu families.
Hindu Seva Kendram conducts it’s activities through various schemes like Annalakshmi Yojana to alleviate hunger, Sanjeevani for medicine and treatment, Hridayapoorvam for pediatrics etc and carry out it’s services by conducting religious schools, legal conciliation support, empower against conversion etc.
To know about the Hindu Seva Kendram in your town and to find out the services available there, or to start a Hindu Seva Kendram in your town please feel free to connect with us.
Hindu Seva Kendram
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